The resources, tips and ideas that were shared at the training have helped our program get to where it is today. Our efforts continually grow as a result of being involved with the National Center. All of the materials are the most current and up-to-date which make it easier to get in the door with targeted medical professionals. Even after the initial training, support is ongoing. —Kim Baich, New Parent Director, Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio

Lettercase hosts a medical outreach program for local organizations who want to provide resources for medical providers and support to expectant parents.

The Prenatal Outreach Program was launched in 2008 and has been used by over 80 local Down syndrome organizations nationwide. The program is available for any local Down syndrome organization to use and to modify the supplemental materials.

The first purpose of the Prenatal Outreach Program is to raise awareness among medical professionals about available resources and support. This is best done by establishing relationships of trust between local parent advocacy organizations and medical providers; distributing materials; offering presentations; and maintaining the professionalism of local organizations.

The Prenatal Outreach Program generally consists of a parent or staff contact for each OB/GYN group in the region. The Prenatal Outreach Representatives replicate the model of a pharmaceutical representative by visiting the OB/GYN offices quarterly to build the relationships, distribute materials, and update the stock of materials as needed. Further, the Prenatal Outreach Representatives offer business cards with contact information to the medical professionals and are available via telephone calls or in person.

Prenatal Outreach Representative training is offered to so that representatives understand the organization and focus of the Prenatal Outreach program. The training also instructs parents and staff about how to act as representatives of local organizations.

If you are interested in further participating in a live webinar or inviting us to participate in your local training, please contact us at


Screen image of course

PHT 202: Prenatal Medical Outreach Training for Advocacy Organizations Education Module

Description  Target Audience: Advocacy organization leaders and medical outreach supervisors This course is designed to train medical outreach supervisors/staff at ...
Course Image

PHT 203: Prenatal Medical Outreach Training for Trainees

Description Target Audience: Volunteers and staff at local advocacy organizations who want to undergo training to become Prenatal Outreach Representatives. This ...


You are welcome to adapt any of the templates provided below to use on your own organization letterhead.

Conduct Policy Image

Conduct Policy

Conduct Policy Template for a Prenatal Outreach Representative representing a local organization: Download Conduct Policy. Describes the behavior and conduct expected ...
Image of spreadsheet for contact log.

Contact log

Spreadsheet for Prenatal Outreach Representatives to keep track of medical offices visited: Download contact log You can also utilize our online ...
Introduction Letter

Introduction Letter

Introduction Letter Template from local organization to medical office:  Download Introduction Letter. *Organizations can modify to suit their needs and ...
Lunch and Learn Presentation to Deliver to Medical Professionals

Lunch and Learn Presentation to Deliver to Medical Professionals

Lunch and Learn Presentation about Down Syndrome for medical offices: OfficeOutreachPresentation ...
Prenatal Outreach Role Play Image

Prenatal Outreach Program Role Play Activities

Role Play Activities about how to approach a medical provider. Prenatal Outreach Trainer can use these activities to practice with ...
Image of survey

Lettercase Prenatal Outreach Representative Survey

You can access this Prenatal Outreach Representative survey online from Qualtrics, and Lettercase can send you the results for the ...
Image of Script Page

Prenatal Outreach Program Medical Office Script

Use this Prenatal Outreach Program Medical Office Script to practice how to approach a medical office ...
MDSC Release Form Image

Release Forms: Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Templates

You can view different release forms from the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress for your organization to modify and share with ...