Many parents choose to receive a diagnosis in order to receive more prenatal care, yet the prenatal care for a Down syndrome pregnancy varies throughout the country. Sometimes expectant parents are grateful for the additional time to prepare and get more aggressive treatment and monitoring. Other times they feel stressed by the Read more…


Many working moms plan on the usual steps of maternity leave and a return to work after their baby is born. Post-diagnosis, some of them have worries specifically related to how a Down syndrome diagnosis will impact these plans. However, moms in the Down syndrome community work at a number Read more…


Many moms keep a “foot in each world” by declining invasive testing even though they get a screening test showing they have higher chances of having a baby with Down syndrome. They are left wondering if their child has Down syndrome/Trisomy 21, but do not want to take the small risk involved with diagnostic Read more…


We sometimes have expectant parents awaiting the birth of twins, and one or both babies have Down syndrome. While some parents may feel alone on that journey at first, there are actually many parents and siblings who have shared their stories about having twins or being a twin where one or Read more…


While our book and website focus primarily on the concerns of pregnant moms expecting a baby with Down syndrome/Trisomy 21, dads also play a vital role. Sometimes dads have unique questions based on their specific responsibilities as fathers, so it can also be helpful for them to receive support and Read more…


Many expectant parents would like to see a glimpse of the future with their child with Down syndrome/Trisomy 21, beyond the lists of medical possibilities. While each family and individual with Down syndrome is unique, one thing most of us can agree on is that the reality of living with Read more…


Some moms are single when they find out their babies have Down syndrome/Trisomy 21. A few part ways with their partners after finding out about the pregnancy or after a diagnosis. While this may not happen often, those moms often benefit from hearing the stories of others who have travelled Read more…