Down Syndrome Pregnancy is also part of the Lettercase National Center for Prenatal and Postnatal Resources which hosts a prenatal medical outreach program for local organizations who want to provide resources for medical providers and support to expectant parents.

The Down Syndrome Prenatal Outreach Program is used by over 80 local Down syndrome organizations nationwide. The first purpose of the Down Syndrome Prenatal Outreach program is to raise awareness among medical professionals about available resources and support. This is best done by establishing relationships of trust between local Down syndrome organizations and medical providers; distributing materials; doing presentations; and maintaining the professionalism of local organizations.

The Down Syndrome Prenatal Outreach program generally consists of a parent or staff contact for each OB/GYN group in the region. The Down Syndrome Representatives replicate the model of a pharmaceutical representative by visiting the OB/GYN offices quarterly to build the relationships, distribute materials, and update the stock of materials as needed.

Down Syndrome Representative training is offered to so that Down Syndrome Representatives understand the organization and focus of the Down Syndrome Prenatal Outreach program. The training also instructs parents and staff about how to act as representatives of local organizations.

This program includes:

  • Online training courses
  • Supplemental materials
    • Conduct Policy
    • Contact log
    • Introduction Letter
    • Lunch and Learn Presentation to Deliver to Medical Professionals
    • Prenatal Outreach Program Role Play Activities
    • Lettercase Prenatal Outreach Representative Survey
    • Prenatal Outreach Program Medical Office Script
    • Release Forms: Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress Templates
  • Webinars
  • Live trainers

See the Lettercase Training for Advocacy Organizations.

Other Helpful Resources:

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